Canine communications

I just hired my first dog medium, sorry, "communicator." She asked me to send a picture of my dog, just one is enough, thank you, and she will speak to him, calm him down. He's increasingly fearful and skittish around my neighborhood. He prefers barking at the top of his lungs, which are considerable, from the safety of a fourth-floor balcony. What about your maid? The man who walks him? Both he seems to really like, I say. He runs to the door whenever they're on the other side of it. It's just me whom he refuses to let walk. She asks what my profession is, and when I tell her, she diagnoses some abandonment issues, some puppyhood trauma. Before I travel again, I should speak to him, tell him where I'm going and for how long, and reassure him that I'll be back soon. Is he dark brown, almost black, like an Alasatian? No, I say. He's sort of orange and brown. He's a Desi. Correct, she says. Not a difficult case, she says. Send the picture, your name and his name, and 1500 rupees, plus the delivery cost of some remedies to fix his energy. Dogs are very receptive to it. He'll be himself again soon. Oh, sure.


"Hi Emily, I had a long chat with Rebel. He is such a sweet baby.

He has been feeling out of control and almost hysterical at the thought of being outdoors with you. He is sure that the energy balance is not in place and hence you will be separated. 

There is trauma and  a sense of impending loss. We must address this for him as he is unable to do this. 

Also what he needs is to know when you will go and return. When you leave, he has no idea if it's for an hour, a week or a month. This causes him significant anxiety. 

I think the Remedies will help and also I need to give you some tips on how to communicate with him."


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