Born on the Fourth of July, Long Live the Queen

La Reina Isabel II at dinner. We had chile. Kidding!
I had chile, she had some dry food and skim milk.
Okay, this post isn't about Vietnam or Tom Cruise. It's about Reina Isabel II, who I adopted today. The queen, named in honor of the diamond jubilee, and Iain, who shared an intimacy with the cat through the lens of his DLR, may not have actually been born on Independence Day. Nor is she gaining her freedom from a greedy and unjust colonial power, though she did have to defend her paltry portion of donated Whiskas from other cats and even opossums during her many years in Buenos Aires' botanical garden. Her struggle -- revolution, really -- toward becoming the kind of cat who sleeps under goose-down duvets and drinks skim milk out of crystal bowls is visible in her half-ear and very reduced set of teeth. Still, I will always remember adopting her on July 4, a fitting birthday for a half-American Queen Elizabeth the Second, monarch of Great Britain, Scotland and Northern Ireland (the cat version). Now, to find a diamond-studded purple velvet collar.


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