
From a distance //As if today is the last //Moment to appreciate a sunset //Golden orb settling into the sea //Strollers //And boys with concave chests //Tan and Indian, all the same golden shade //In this golden light //A handstand competition //People in seated lotus //Eyes closed //Trying to expel worry with each deep exhale //Chubby Indian teens in one-piece seersucker bathing suits //I'm jogging through people of all nationalities and religions //All sun worshippers //And the dogs of no nation or creed //My mother and her ancient cane //That draws the mouths of camels and stray dogs //One of whom runs with me// Sometimes in his paw prints or he's in mine //Savoring this sunset as the world suffers in anxious isolation. //The last day on earth //Is an exquisite pink //That I'll think of when my soul flies away 


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